
Here's some answers to the questions I get asked the most. If you have any other 
questions or comments, please email them to me by using the "Contact Us" button.


 Can I get exclusive use of SuperScripts in my area?
 No. We can no longer grant exclusivity to SuperScript owners.
 Are these legal to use?
 Yes. I wrote all the scripts myself and own all rights to them.
 Are there any license fees I have to pay?
 No. Once you purchase them, they're yours.
 Are there any limitations on where I can use SuperScripts?
 They're not available in the Sacramento (CA) & Sierra Foothill areas.
 How can I find out when new volumes are available?
 Use the "Add Me To Your Mailing LIst" form at the bottom of the home page.
 Can you write a script for one of my clients?
 I'm not currently writing custom scripts. I'll notify you if that changes.
 Where can I find the Public Domain movies you talk about?
 Here's a pretty good listing of movies in the Public Domain:

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SBCS1Skip Beck Creative Services
10180 So. Ponderosa Way
Rough & Ready, CA 95975
